I wonder how alter-egos, avatars, characters and sketched profiles, affect the development of our personalities, or do we just become a bit more schizophrenic?
Are there clear lines drawn between the selves we construct online to the actual people we project in the physical world (if that world is any more real than the digital one, I'm not too sure. As to what defines 'real' is perhaps up for debate. I said perhaps and it depends what mood you're in;)?
How is our behavior affected by this transmutation or bifurcation? I am finding (probably because I don't have the proper connective equipment - errm iPhone) that I lead divergent lives, off and on screen (and not as glamorous as it may sound).
Although I am weaving these together with some ideas (as per a few of my recent blog posts), I suppose I have more work to do than the Millennium Gen, which has always know one world (more or less). Umbilical cords abound...
Do you have a digital persona? Have you mastered the off/on line balance?
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